The Officers and Management Board of the Stark County Retired Teachers Association have decided to post an email newsletter for March instead of a mailed one for a variety of reasons: no March meeting, very little news and updates, cost savings, many members wintering in warmer climates. Also, Ohio Retired Teachers Association is mailing its yearly newsletter in February. Included will be a report about the Forensic Audit of the State Teachers Retirement System that began in February and is scheduled to conclude the first of June.Below is the SCRTA President’s Message. Other news and committee reports are attached as a .pdf file that you can click on to access.
President’s Message, Jon Conversino
Greetings fellow SCRTA members. 2021 is upon us, and "Hope Springs Eternal!” I know that this new year will bring good things for us. Spring, with its warm weather and longer daylight hours, will soon be upon us. For me, that means planning my vegetable and flower gardens, as well as many other outdoor "chores.”
Along with that bright outlook comes a little bad news: the March Membership Meeting has been cancelled for safety and health reasons. However, the officers and Management Board continue to focus on the future. As for our wonderful organization, I am looking forward to once again being able to meet in person and to continue with our many charitable traditions.
Speaking of our group, SCRTA is STILL IN NEED of your help. We have openings for Vice President, Recording Secretary, Publications Secretary and a Director. Why not take a chance on our organization and volunteer for one of these openings? I will tell you from experience that the Officers, Directors, and Management Board Members are truly wonderful, talented people who are fun to work with and offer their time and wisdom to make SCRTA great. The time commitment is minimal -- only four meetings a year. If you are thinking about, or wish to discuss any of these positions, contact me at 330-452-8337 or at [email protected].
Please keep in mind the financial needs of our Scholarship, Teacher Grant and Patron Fund. SCRTA members have traditionally been very generous in their support. However, these funds have experienced a lack of donations because of the five meeting cancellations. The funds support: Scholarships for junior/ senior education majors; Teacher Grants for classroom projects; Patron for operating expenses. Please consider a donation to these funds. Make your check payable to SCRTA. Include a note that lists your name, your email address, and the fund(s) you are supporting. Send your check and note to Connie Bancroft, 1453 Electric Blvd., Alliance OH 44601. Thank You!
Stay safe and hope to see you all very soon.
President’s Message, Jon Conversino
Greetings fellow SCRTA members. 2021 is upon us, and "Hope Springs Eternal!” I know that this new year will bring good things for us. Spring, with its warm weather and longer daylight hours, will soon be upon us. For me, that means planning my vegetable and flower gardens, as well as many other outdoor "chores.”
Along with that bright outlook comes a little bad news: the March Membership Meeting has been cancelled for safety and health reasons. However, the officers and Management Board continue to focus on the future. As for our wonderful organization, I am looking forward to once again being able to meet in person and to continue with our many charitable traditions.
Speaking of our group, SCRTA is STILL IN NEED of your help. We have openings for Vice President, Recording Secretary, Publications Secretary and a Director. Why not take a chance on our organization and volunteer for one of these openings? I will tell you from experience that the Officers, Directors, and Management Board Members are truly wonderful, talented people who are fun to work with and offer their time and wisdom to make SCRTA great. The time commitment is minimal -- only four meetings a year. If you are thinking about, or wish to discuss any of these positions, contact me at 330-452-8337 or at [email protected].
Please keep in mind the financial needs of our Scholarship, Teacher Grant and Patron Fund. SCRTA members have traditionally been very generous in their support. However, these funds have experienced a lack of donations because of the five meeting cancellations. The funds support: Scholarships for junior/ senior education majors; Teacher Grants for classroom projects; Patron for operating expenses. Please consider a donation to these funds. Make your check payable to SCRTA. Include a note that lists your name, your email address, and the fund(s) you are supporting. Send your check and note to Connie Bancroft, 1453 Electric Blvd., Alliance OH 44601. Thank You!
Stay safe and hope to see you all very soon.
Stark County Retired Teachers Association* Canton, Ohio * USA
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This website is maintained by the Website Committee.
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Copyright ©2021. All rights reserved.
This website is maintained by the Website Committee.
[email protected]